The detailed instructions – henceforth: REGULATIONS – concerning the operational rules of the Naturist Beach and Campsite of Jason Contour Consultant, Provider and Tourism Ltd and the Sziki Naturist Association (1 Vereshomok Lane (in Hungarian: dűlő), Szeged-Kiskundorozsma, 6791).
On arrival campsite guests can check in from 2 p.m. When leaving, they have to check out until 10.30 a.m. After this, anyone who would like to stay on the beach for the rest of the day will have to pay the fees paid by bathers.
Beach guests may enter the campsite only if invited by camp guests.
Guests may enter the pay-area (sauna, Jacuzzi, gym, toilets, shower rooms) of the wellness chalet only if they previously registered at the reception desk.
At closing time beach guests have to leave the beach.
We do not take responsibility for our guests’ personal belongings left unattended. The belongings left here on trust will be kept without any kind of material or compensation responsibility on our part.
Guests are required to refrain from wearing a swimsuit while being on the beach, bathing or sunbathing. On account of hygiene women are allowed to wear a topless swimsuit periodically, but during these periods they are asked not to bathe (on the same account).
New guests are asked to observe the naturist customs of the site during their first visit. They are required to try to adapt to these and fit in.
It is forbidden to take photos of or to film other people without their consent, including photographs taken with mobile phones.
Only those who can swim are allowed to bathe in lakes the depth of which is marked with a „Deep water” signboard.
Children who cannot swim and children under 6 years of age may bathe only under parental supervision in a specially designated place, which is a small bay formed along the edge of the water.
Fishing is forbidden in the area of the beach-campsite!
Toilets have to be kept clean!
In the campsite and on the beach (including the relaxation, sporting and other areas) rubbish is collected in the provided plastic and metal containers.
Guests can find the equipment needed for different sports and games at the porter’s lodge. After use these have to be taken back there.
While bathing, doing sports or playing games (including boating and surfing) guests have to be careful not to injure others, they must not endanger other people’s safety or disturb others with their behaviour.
During these activities they also have to avoid doing anything that may damage the landscaped areas in the campsite and on the beach or the grass, trees and bedding plants there.
It is also forbidden to damage the buildings in the beach resort in any way.
The wellness chalet welcomes guests until 10 p.m. except for the occasions when the operator organises night programmes.
In the campsite and on the beach people are allowed to listen to the radio, tape recorder or other electronic devices only with headphones. In the parking lot it is forbidden to operate the car radio loudly.
Beach guests are not allowed to use the common kitchen reserved for the camping guests.
On account of hygiene the chairs and benches in front of the snack bar, under the barn and in the wellness chalet may be used only with a personal towel.
The provided chairs, tables and other equipment can be taken only when their use is justified.
Camping guests may only keep their dog tied next to their tent or caravan. They can take their pets for a walk only outside the area.
During the Epidemic, a face mask is mandatory in the reception, kitchen and buffet area.
During the epidemic, those living in the beach and camping area, not living in the same household, are obliged
Keep 1.5 meters apart. In the sunbathing area, the lounge furniture must be arranged in such a way that
to ensure the required personal distance during use. The reception, kitchen and
signal lines in the buffet area help maintain a safe distance.
Szeged-Sziksósfürdő, 15/5/2020
A belépéshez igazolnod kell, hogy elmúltál 18 éves. / You must be 18 years old to enter.